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Planning Office

DPA2024-00008: Homeless Navigation Center-East


This Zoning Map Amendment is to classify the parcels identified as GPINs 8291-65-9134, 8291-65-7904, 8291-64-9383 and 8291-64-9860 as B-1, General Business District. The parcel identified by GPIN 8291-74-0443 is currently designated B-1, General Business District and would remain so. Reclassifying the zoning to B-1 brings all of the parcels and uses, including the Omni-Ride uses, under the B-1classification, thus simplifying implementing both the Homeless Shelter and the Omni-Ride uses.

Homeless Navigation Zoning Text Amendment Parcel Image

Each of these parcels is owned by the County. The north portion of these five parcels, fronting Potomac Mills Road, is the existing homeless shelter and associated parking, which will be demolished, and a new shelter constructed in its place. The west and south portions of these five parcels contain the location of the OmniRide bus storage yard, maintenance building, and employee parking. In the southeast portion is the County owned building and its associated parking, which is currently occupied and operated by Social Services, and will remain. Eventually, these five parcels will be consolidated.

The 5 parcels identified by are the subject of the Public Facilities Review Application – PFR2024-00002


On November 28, 2023, the Board of County Supervisors initiated with Res. No. 23-584 a zoning map amendment to the Prince William County Code


On February 20, 2024, the Board of County Supervisors approved the zoning text amendment. 

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